LETHE!! You are the sweetest!
Hatte eine ziemlich stressige Arbeitswoche und deine Nachricht + der Kommentar waren so ziemlich mein Highlight dieser Woche. Danke dafür! <3

Ich freue mich auch so, wieder zurück zu sein. TC, bzw. alle meine Websites, sind einfach so ein... Ort des Glücks, haha. Mir fällt gerade keine bessere Umschreibung ein, aber irgendwie trifft es das. Was du geschrieben hast - "eine Art sprudelnde Energie, die sie zu lang zurückhalten mussten, und eine neue Entschlossenheit, Neues aufzubauen." - trifft es perfekt.

Und danke für die Info zu den kaputten Links 🙏🏻 TC hat so viele Unterseiten, dass ich gar nicht mehr weiß, was alles geht und was nicht...

So witzig, dass die Leute wieder mehr Domains kaufen. DEFINITELY NOT ME. :D :D :D
Du auch?
Ich arbeite tatsächlich gerade an einer eigenen Network-Domain und dann ist der Revamp meiner ganzen Chara Shrines dran. Wird auf jeden Fall alles auf TC verlinkt (und jaa, die Fanlistings muss ich auch noch updaten und vollständig auf TC verlinken; da ist einiges Neues hinzugekommen).

Und du baust Oubliette um? Ich freue mich schon jetzt auf die neue Version!!
Übrigens habe ich gerade dein Network repository "Song Cradle" komplett durchgelesen. Was für eine geniale Idee ist diese Seite bitte?! Ich find's so schön, die Gedanken und Entstehung deiner Shrines zu lesen - quasi das, was hinter den Kulissen stattfindet/stattfand.
Außerdem ist das Design SO SCHÖN. Die "dreamy vibes" passen einfach perfekt zu dieser Seite.

Links tauschen unheimlich gerne - es wäre mir eine Ehre!

Feststeht, dass ich ab sofort wieder regelmäßig hier vorbeischauen werde, um zu sehen, ob es Neues gibt. Freu mich drauf!

Alles Liebe!

written about on August 17, 2024
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Hi Lethe, just checking in! I was going through previous entries and thought I'd signed this GB more recently than 2018, but I guess I was wrong ^^;; Just wanted to say hi in 2024 and again reaffirm how brilliant you are~ I'm in awe of your sites as always, both for your content and design! I thoroughly enjoy my stay in any of your sites. I feel like I can through everything you've written with the most sincere pleasure. Hope all is well with you! <3

Lethe: Wow Ainna, you always know when to pop up and bring all the cheer. Your hellos over the years, reiterated affirmation and earnest love and interest do so much to lift spirits – thank you so much for thinking of me, truly! hang on I am gonna mail you and if it's the last thing I do today!!

written about on August 7, 2024
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Hello! I came across Jokers Wild on the Emotion directory, which I stumbled upon from elsewhere while exploring old web/web revival sites and clicking through the links.

Liar Game had a profound impact on me when I encountered it, and is actually a big part of why I studied Psychology at uni! I've always thought it was a shame that so few people know of it, so finding a site dedicated to it like this was a true delight.

I enjoyed reading your thoughts and summary of things, and I really appreciate the part on Fukunaga. I love her in the manga and it was such a shame that the drama did what it did to her, though it also isn't surprising either. That said, I actually really like the drama adaptation and have watched it a few times (and intend to introduce it to my partner soon too!), and in fact show-Fukunaga grew on me, though I do mourn what was lost from the manga.

In regards to the manga, the character development truly is impeccable, and I'm glad you highlighted that, and in fact another comparison to Nao I would like to suggest is Katsuragi Yako from (the similarly unknown) Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro, where Neuro is a demon that solves mysteries and Yako is his hapless "Cover", but while Neuro is the brains, Yako very much is the heart, and she has the emotional intelligence that is the key to mysteries that Neuro, as a demon who does not understand humans, cannot solve, and she goes through some absolutely stunning character development getting there.

Apologies for the overly long message, but I had a lot of thoughts I wanted to share! I personally found the ending of the manga rather...flat and unsatisfying, but the journey was truly worthwhile, and I hope more people get to experience it, so thank you for your work in trying to help that happen.

Lethe: Hi Fab! Wow, I'm so honoured by your visit; it's amazing when fiction has such an impact on us, to the point that it inspires us to integrate something big into our life! It pleases me to no end when Liar Game fans find my shrine, especially as both things aren't all that easy to find.

I appreciate you sharing what's on your mind as you read the shrine. Naturally, I measured the drama adaptation by the manga in my write-up. It's fair to judge it on its own, too, though, with drama!Fukunaga being a very different character. Their flippancy (which I am not at all a fan of) may not contribute as much to a narrative's message, but is a valid character trait on its own, and is employed accordingly in the drama.

I remember having a look at the first two chapters of Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro. Its tone wasn't my thing, but I might check it out again to see some of the comparisons you've made. It certainly is an interesting dynamic, especially when it involves growth!

As for the series' ending, I agree that it was underwhelming; it doesn't really do the characters' growth, depth, dynamics and their journey justice. With manga, you rarely truly know about the circumstances of an ending though. I've read that the standard and initial way of manga publication in Japan, i.e. periodical magazine releases, makes it difficult and somewhat unpredictable for mangaka to plan a series' runtime. Sometimes series get axed due to lacking popularity, and have to be wrapped up in haste, which leads to them ending prematurely, sometimes in a jarring way that does not match a mangaka's careful writing at all. As you said, it's best not too linger too much on it, and appreciate the ride for what it was.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read Joker's Wild, to leave this kind and enthusiastic message, and share your thoughts and background with me!

written about Joker's Wild on July 16, 2024
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Dear Lethe
Until I came across your beautiful website, I honestly had no idea how deep and multi-layered manga could be! I have now read your shrine "Refugium (The Top Secret)". I am totally fascinated by it! Not only was I fascinated by the one-shot as such, which deals with intriguing "taboos" and anticipates problems more than 20 years ago that are really being discussed today. But I was also fascinated by your analysis of the story. It may sound silly, but when I was reading this shrine, I sometimes felt like I was using the MRI scanner on you: By reading it, I learned a lot about the way you look at things and experienced how nuanced, versatile, empathetic and yet critical you perceive your environment. This gave me another level of experience while reading, a very personal one. I find it so wonderful that you share such an enriching part of your thoughts and emotional life with your readers, and I thank you for this openness.
As a person interested in law, I found your extensive embedding of the story in considerations of criminal law and, in particular, data protection and privacy law, extremely exciting and informative. The Shrine seems to be a "new genre" of legal analysis, namely one that takes literary considerations as its starting point. I was very impressed by this approach.
Thank you, Lethe, for this website, which combines wonderful design and text. I will definitely come back to read another of your shrines.

written about Refugium on July 7, 2024
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I stumbled upon your beautiful shrine to Rose by accident, while looking for some Legend of Dragoon screenshots.

Thank you for keeping the spirit of pre-web2.0 internet alive & your wonderful tribute to such an underrated character.

Lethe: Hi cryohazmat! Wow, it's always a pleasant surprise to hear that someone found a shrine of mine in its function as a resource. Thank you for your kind words, and for the time you spent on my Rose shrine! This alone makes the site revamp very worth it.

written about on July 25, 2023
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Hello! I’m not very familiar with how these sites work but I recently came across your Haruka shrine and I just had to tell you I love it!! It’s so well put together and very pretty :D
I enjoyed reading your analysis on Haru <33 it’s always so cool to find other autistic Haru believers ^^ Thank you for doing him justice.

Lethe: Hi lu! Sorry for the late reply; know that your sweet message made me very happy! I'm glad you enjoyed the read, and am as delighted as you that an autistic!Haru reader has stumbled upon my site!! <3

written about on January 9, 2023
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this website is so beautiful!! it made me feel very nostalgic <3

Lethe: Hi arunyi! Thank you for your visit and your sweet words – and also for linking to my site, I'm honoured! <3 Your site is such a sweet little dream too, and so full of your art and personality. I'm particularly taken with the homepage! I'll have lots of fun perusing all your projects, thanks for sharing. <3

written about on November 30, 2022
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I recently discovered this year that i may be on the autism spectrum (was peer diagnosed by a friend but still on the journey to validate it for myself), and I just discovered your Haruka shrine and it's everything I wanted. I love reading in character depth analysys and now that I have an interest in autism this shrine is exactly what I was looking for when reading headcanons about characters on the spectrum. The only thing is, I noticed that some of the traits link like the speech, connecting, and empathy are no longer working and now I have this burning curiosity of your thoughts on those traits. I am currently going to go through your other shrines since I love your analysis style.

Lethe: Hello epichugger! Thank you so much for taking the time to leave such a kind message. Knowing that others (rather) unfamiliar with the spectrum have read and enjoyed my shrine is one thing, hearing it from someone who is actively engaging with the spectrum is another. Your message reminds me that there's an additional kind of audience for such write-ups/sites.

As for the pages you mentioned: They have unfortunately not been written yet, hence the crossed-out links. The shrine was uploaded incomplete back in 2016 due to circumstances, and after several years, I have decided that I won't continue work on the shrine. It's a combination of lacking time, an approach to the shrine that is very tedious, and a slightly, yet fundamentally changed personal understanding of autism.

After witnessing your enthusiasm though, there's a chance I'll reread the shrine in a few years to give it a thorough reevaluation, and see whether altering my approach and rewriting some things is possible in order to wrap it up in some way. :)

Thank you so much for your interest! I wish you all the best on your journey.

written about Waterbound on October 22, 2022
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Lethe!! Wie gruselig-cool ist das bitte... ich habe heute frei, meine Fanlistings geupdated und mich bestimmt eine Stunde lang durch alte Lieblings-Websites geklickt - unter anderem deine <3 - nur um festzustellen, dass du mir genau heute in die Shoutbox geschrieben hast!
Honestly, ich habe gerade Herzklopfen. Verrückt!

Ich bin so verliebt in Refugium und habe dadurch richtig Lust bekommen, nach Jahren meine Shrines wieder aufzubauen und in solche Onepager umzuwandeln. (Und sie bei Emotion anzumelden, ha!)

Es ist so so toll, dass du immer noch aktiv bist und die Welt mit deinen wunderbaren Designs und Texten bereicherst. Du kannst dir gar nicht vorstellen, wie mich das gerade motiviert.

Vielen lieben Dank für deine Worte zum Raphael FL. Iiirgendwann soll daraus auch noch ein Shrine werden, aber mittlerweile sehe ich ihn doch "etwas" problematischer als mein verknalltes Teenie-Ich damals. ;) Und wie witzig, dass du AS gerade wieder liest - ich auch! Habe neulich erst Ludwig Kakumei wiedergelesen und natürlich heute auch deinen Friederike Shrine durchgeklickt.

LG von einer immer noch sehr baffen & glücklichen Blacky

Lethe: OMG!! Das ist so unglaublich und rührend zugleich, mir kamen vor Freude direkt die Tränen, als ich deine Nachricht las. ;_; Ich hatte auf gut Glück in die Shoutbox geschrieben, weil ich vor zwei Tagen das erste Mal seit 2016 oder so in der deutschen Webszene stöberte und so betrübt war, wie unglaublich sie geschrumpft ist (auch in der englischsprachigen Shrine-Szene gab es viele Abgänge...) – ganz besonders deine Website, die die einzige ist, an die ich mich von meinem damaligen Streifzug lebhaft erinnerte, und an der mein Herz sehr, sehr hing.

OMG ANGEL SANCTUARY FÜHRT MENSCHEN ZUSAMMEN. ;_; (Ich lese die Serie gerade wieder, weil ich sie einer Mitarbeiterin als Manga-Einstieg – auf ihren Geschmack abgestimmt! – empfahl.) Ich habe mich in jungen Jahren höchstwahrscheinlich in Shrines verliebt, weil es damals jemanden gab, der einige Angel Sanctuary Shrines erschuf, die meine ganze Sicht auf die Charaktere veränderten... Das hat mir so imponiert, dass ich beschloss, eines Tages ebenfalls unbedingt Shrines zu erschaffen! Ich bin mir fast sicher, dass ein Raphael Shrine darunter gewesen sein muss, denn beim erstmaligen Lesen nahm ich die Beziehung zwischen ihm und Sara nur peripher wahr und hielt auch nicht viel von ihm. Er ist aber viel komplexer und hat eine wahrlich faszinierende Rolle...

Tausend Dank für all deine lieben Worte zu meinen Websites ;_;!! Ich mache jedes Mal einen Freudentanz, wenn jemand ausgerechnet den Friederike Shrine erwähnt, der einer meiner Lieblinge ist. Im Übrigen, wenn wir schon bei Zufällen sind: Ich habe mich in Reiko Shimizus Werke verliebt, weil sie mich an Kaori Yukis Werke erinnern, insbesondere in der Art von Schmerz, den sie auslösen. (Angel Sanctuary und God Child haben mich zum Masochisten erzogen.)

Ich habe mir momentan zwei Wochen Kreativferien genommen, um mich voll und ganz Websites zu widmen. Daher freut es mich sehr zu hören, dass bei dir gerade die Lust aufkommt (HURRA, neue Meldung auf!!). Ich wünsche dir viel Schwung, Inspiration und Freude an deinen Vorhaben! Bitte teile mir unbedingt mit, was dabei herauskommt, wann auch immer das sein mag. Ich werde auch in fünf Jahren noch auf dich warten!!

Herzlich, Lethe

written about on July 21, 2022
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Thank you for this incredible website. And for keeping the 90s design dream alive!

Lethe: Aw, thank you for your visit and the sweet words, Kestral! Yessss may 90s design live on forever!!

written about on July 20, 2022
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